Pesky Passwords

The familiar message pops up from Outlook or Office 365: “Your Password Expires in 30 Days.” If you’re like most technology users, procrastination is the easiest answer, so we wait and watch as the expiration date draws closer… 30 Days… 20… 10… 3 days. Pretty soon an unexpected vacation day puts you behind the 8-ball and your account is locked.

Surely, your first thought is “Why do I have to change my password… AGAIN???”

There are many reasons for this frequent request, so we thought we would shed some light on this practice… and maybe some ways to alleviate the stress!

Protection of various platforms

If you’re like most users, the fear of forgetting your password inclines you to use the same password for multiple technology platforms. According to a poll taken by Cyclonis in 2018, over 80% of users admitted that they use the same password for multiple websites or services.

As passwords become compromised, the risks are not solely in the account that has been hacked, but in the accounts that same password opens. As malicious hackers obtain login credentials, their goal is to apply these credentials to as many applications as possible with the hope of unlocking your banking information, social media account, or business email.

By ensuring your passwords are different for every website, you mitigate the risk of having your Facebook password grant access to your savings account!

Shuts down permanent access to your account:

When hackers find a way to obtain your password, they will not act immediately. Instead, their practice is to do nothing, allowing them to watch and observe while you continue to operate as normal.

Hackers are usually cultivating your password through a database breach (something totally out of your control). Instead of hopping in and taking data, the hacker will sit on the information, carefully observing your activity within Facebook or email. Once this hacker has your key information, they’ll attempt to breach your banking information or sell the information on the Dark Web. They’ll even begin imitating your actions in attempt to coerce a colleague or friend to buy gift cards for them or even send money to a bank!

Regularly changing your passwords can shut off the flow of information to the hacker and save you from an embarrassing request at work or sending money to your boss!

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