Hiring an MSP

Are you looking to hire a Managed Service Provider (MSP) for your business but are unsure what you should be looking for? Below, you will find a list of 10 things you should think about before hiring a Managed Service Provider to take care of your business technology.

Hiring a Managed Service Provider Checklist

1. 24/7 Availability

Although you do not work 24/7, your network needs to be running in optimal condition all the time.

2. Quick Response Times

In this day and age, most business rely on technology. If your technology is not working properly, it needs to be fixed quickly and efficiently. Select a Managed Service Provider that responds quickly and efficiently.

3. Budgeting

Your Managed Service Provider should evaluate your current systems and look for ways to improve your business efficiency by saving you time and money. Before selecting a provider, ensure they have your best interest in mind.

4. Disaster Recovery Planning

If your business encounters a natural disaster or a cyber attack, do you have a plan? Your Managed Service Provider should be able to provide you with a plan in the case of a disaster.

5. Vendor Relationship

A major advantage of a Managed Service Provider is that they should handle the vendor relationship, so you don’t have to. This saves your business time, which ultimately saves you money. Before selecting a provider, take a look at who their partners are and if they fulfill your needs.

6. On-Site Maintenance and Support

Make sure your provider is able to provide you with on-site support.

7. Backups and Cloud Services

Your Managed Service Provider should have a daily backup solution that is backed up to a remote server for the safety of your data.

8. Cybersecurity

As hackers have become more sophisticated, it’s important to hire a Managed Service Provider that has regular testing and monitoring of attacks.

9. Employee Support

If your employees are having technology issues that are causing frustration, your IT experts should be able to provide you with remote access support to resolve issues quickly.

10. Proactivity

Your provider should make regular updates of your software to avoid future issues. They should not just be fixing problems as they arise, they should be proactively working to fix problems before you know they exist.

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